Random food related curiosa


* If you write European set Epic fantasy, it is more likely that the food your heroes eat is flavored using herbs rather than spices, since spices were expensive, and had to be imported.

* In Sweden,  mushrooms were viewed to be cattle food, until the 20th century.  Which meant that they did not eat them ,even if it was a famine.

* The eggs used in baking during the winter was conserved (!), which was unsuitable to eating, but fine in baking.

*   It is easy to forget but all the farm animals were much smaller before 1900’s, than they are today.   So if you describe a cow based on modern day cows? They wouldn’t have fit inside the barn.

*  If you want a colder climate growing sugar? Use sugar beets, not sugar canes.   Or honey, since Sugar beets wasn’t in use until the 1700’s.

*  Beer get’s the taste from hops, which wasn’t in use in Sweden until the 12th century.

*  Hop growing etc was covered buy the law.  And theft was punished severly.



An Writing update

The writing is chugging along pretty nicely. Or well my Scrivener trial expired, so  right now I am revising the Brownie Liason.  🙂 So far I have edited 10 of 64 pages. So, progress! I am aiming at getting 5 pages edited per day, so this draft should take me a couple of weeks to finish up.  Hopefully by then I’ll have the money to buy Scrivener :).     After that, the Brownie Liason is off to Lillian, so she can read it for me and come with useful comments, that I’ll hopefully know how to implement.

( I still haven’t revised the Wild Hunt after Kari read it, because I am not sure how to implement her suggestions. They are excellent suggestions, though 🙂 )

In non writing news, Mom nagged convinced me that it might be a good idea to get my degree. So I am working on that right now.

I have also decided to skip all the fancy things, and do Ecology for writers as a blog serial, then gather them up and offer them in bundles.  The problem is the images and stuff. I think most of the graphs and maps is  covered by Creative Commons license,  which  means I can use them if it is for non profit but not if I decide to make it into a book  :/.

Anyone interested in Ecology for Writers?

Awhile ago, Laura Anne Gilman jokingly said on Twitter she should rent out her nephew who majors in nanotechnology to Science Fiction writers.  I smiled, and shook my head.  But this morning it occurred to me: Why don’t I do something similar, but for biology?

What I am thinking, is some sort of  subscription series, with a very modest fee.   It wouldn’t be on species level, though, but mostly about ecology, some genetics, enviromental science, maybe some geology.

Or maybe I am insane…



Random life stuff

  •  Well, I figured out why I couldn’t update my e-reader.  The firmware update isn’t compatible with my e-reader.  Which annoys me a bit, to put it mildly.
  •   My colon disease decided to flare up last week, which means my immune system is overly active right now. And because of that,  I am running a really llow grade fever. Fun. Not.  It isn’t bad enough that I need to lay in bed, but it is bad enough that I easily get tired.
  •  I finally got around to repair my cellphone. And.. the replacement phone didn’t work. So now I have an non fancy cellphone for awhile.
  •  The synopsis is progressing slowly. Actually, right now it is on hold due to the health reasons.  I love what I got , though.

The Sorcerer snippet no 3

I stepped out of the car, and stared at the house. Once, it had been painted a bright yellow and kept in top shape. Now, the paint was flaking, and the roof was in need of repair. I shook off the bitterness that filled me. You had no choice but selling it to cover the back taxes, I reminded myself. I opened the car door, and stepped outside.

Solange looked around and shook her head.
“ What a dump,” she murmurred.

Irritation flared, but I squashed it. She was right, the house was a dump. I opened the gate, and hid a wince when the paint left a grey trace. I rubbed it against my thigh, and swallowed a growl when it stubbornly clung to my palm.

Click. Click! Ooh.

Yesterday in the war room I asked if  it was believable if Mages were called Mancers in the US and Witches/Wizards in the UK.   It was prompted by a thought that the pixies had to come from somewere, and maybe Magi CIS and the Brownie Liason was set in the same world.

The answer I got from the war room people, was Yes.   And something clicked in my brain, starting a lot of thoughts tumbling around in my mind.

A lot of it is things that will never show in any of the stories, like how the differences occurred ( Clans vs not clans), the stability of magic etc.

But, I look forward to spending the weekend doing research and writing a lot of notes. :).



Another snippet from the sorcerer

I posted the old opening last week, so I thought I would post the new opening this week. I promise I will not post a third version next week! 😀

The sound of the phone made me look up from the report I was reading. I stretched out a hand and picked up the reciever.
“ Magi CIS, Di Luca speaking.”
“ I want to tell you about a Pixie Dust delivery,” a hoarse voice whispered.
A shiver crept down my spine. Pixie Dust was nasty stuff. It was addictive, and made you very pliant. I picked up a pen.
“ When?”
“ Tomorrow.”
“ Somewere around Cedar Springs.”
I swallowed a curse. Cedar Springs was a muggy hell hole, filled with good ol’ southern gentlemen, who didn’t like Mancers.
“ Who?”
“ Oh hell no. You have do something.”
The click told me the tipster had hung up. Slowly, I put down the phone. I glanced at McRae’s office, but he wasn’t back from were ever he and Solange had run off to.
I shrugged, might as well do the basic paperwork. I opened up the form we used to fill in anonymous tips in. It didn’t take me long to fill in the scant information.
I stared at it for a moment. Something told me that this was just the beginning on a long investigation. I pushed away the thought, and picked up the report. After making a rookie mistake of mixing up the victim and the unsub, I always read it thrice. I flinched, sometimes I could almost feel the blisters after McRae’s dressing down. That day, I had been certain my career was over before it even started.

A couple changes

I outlined the first 5 scenes of the Sorcerer , and then I decided to start writing. When I started writing, the words that I typed was in first, not third like the old version. I considered it, and decded that it felt right to tell it in first. And, the opening is SO much better now. It is more organic, for starters. That isn’t the only change. I read the opening scene of the Raven Mocker, and was reminded of how much I love that story. In fact, I have changed my mind about self publishing the Magi CIS stories, I want to make an attempt to find a publisher first. Why? Because I think they are good enough to sell to a publisher. It might be that I am wrong, but I wont know that until I have tried. 🙂


Yesterday, my laptop suddenly froze. I cursed, turned it off and went to make dinner.  When I turned it on after dinner, I discovered that it was beeping. Not loud, and not all the time but occasionally, it beeps.   In fact, it sounds like an EKG machine..Yeah…  I don’t like that at all :P.  But the laptop is working, so I can live with it. For now.   Until I get a job, or it is my birthday.