I decided to sign up to this challenge too:

From the challenge page:
Challenge Details
• Timeline: 01 Jan 2012 – 31 Dec 2012
• There are two levels:
– Read TWENTY FOUR (24) horror & urban fantasy novels in 2012
– Read FORTY EIGHT (48) horror & urban fantasy novels in 2012• You don’t have to select your books ahead of time, you can just add them as you go. Also if you do list them upfront you can change them, nothing is set in stone! The books you choose can crossover into other challenges you have on the go.
• You can join the challenge at anytime. All books read in 2012 count towards the challenge regardless of when you sign up.
• Audiobooks do not count, but all other formats are accepted.
• No non-fiction – only fiction.
• This challenge can crossover to other challenges.
• You DO NOT have to write reviews of the books you read, but if you decide you would like to then Mr Linky will be available each month so you can link up your reviews.
• You don’t have to have a blog to join in – for those without a blog but who use Goodreads, Amazon, LibraryThing etc, you can add the URL to where you track your books. If you don’t have a URL at all then choose a name you would like to use and then copy and paste the following link:
Please add your DIRECT URL link, not just your blog link. If you have trouble adding your URL link below, just drop me an email.
My goal is to read 48 novels. It will be mixture of UF and Horror, new books and PD books. And re-reads. :).
Tentiative reading list:
- Child of Fire by Harry Connelly ( library book)
- Raven Cursed by Faith Hunter ( Unread)
- Zero Dog War by Keith Mellon.
- Blood Bound by Rachel Vincent (Unread)
- Hot trick by Patricia Rosemoor ( Unread)
- Aberswyth Mon Amour by Malcolm Price ( Unread)
- Faerie Blood by Angela Korra’ti ( Unread)
- Convent of the pure by Sara M Harvey ( Unread)
- The Wyvern Mystery by Joseph Sheridan ( PD)
- The Portrait of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde ( PD)
- Run by Blake Crouch ( Amazon freebie)
- The Wedding Gift by Kathleen McKenna( Amazon freebie)
- Book of Shadows by Alexandra Sokoloff
- Shadow City by Diana Pharaoh Francis (Unread)
- Fair Game by Patricia Briggs ( TBR list)
- Gunmetal Magic by Ilona Andrews ( TBR)
- Demon Marked by Meljean Brook ( TBR)
- No Dominion by C.E Murphy ( plus assorted novellas)( April 2012)
- . Raven Calls by CE Murphy. ( TBR)
- Dragon Justice by Laura Anne Gilman ( TBB)
- The Negotiator triology by CE Murphy. ( Re-read)
- Matchbox Girls by Chrysoula Tzavelas
All these books have one thing in common: They are either among the 200 e-books I have marked as unread in Calibre or on my TBR list. O_o.