I signed up for the Indie books challenge in March, but I forgot to post about it. Oops.
This is a simple challenge, just state how many indie books you plan to read during the year. I thought about it, and decided to aim at Level 1, silver.( 7-13 books). I can already now say that I will reach the goal before that.
So far I have read 12 indie books in a number of genres. Most of them have been by authors that have been published by a publisher before. ( Yes, I am wary). Since I am close to reaching it, I have decided to up my goals to 16 books.
At the end of the year, I’ll post a list of the books I have read, and with links to any reviews. Some have been reviewed, some are upcoming :).
Next year, I’ll probably join another reading challenge. One that forces me to post, you know, reviews. But that is next year.