Shiloh Walker’s Wreck of a blog tour


Enter to win a date with Shiloh Walker** (drinks at RT 2013 or Lori Foster/Duffy Brown RAGT)
She’s out to wreck her life…he’s out to remake it…check out Shiloh Walker’s WRECKED.

“What in the hell just happened?”
Zach’s lips touched the back of her neck. “Well, I’m no expert, but I think you kissed me,” he said, his voice teasing. “And I’m pretty sure we both enjoyed it. But maybe we should try again.”
And then she found herself on her back, staring up into a pair of dark blue eyes that she knew very, very well. They’d always seemed to glint with mischief, or trouble . . . but she’d never realized just how much they glinted with that kind of trouble.
Not until now.
As his mouth came down on hers again, Abby barely had time to catch her breath. Then she was wondering why she’d even bothered. He stole the oxygen right out of her with his kiss. His tongue stroked along hers, moving into her mouth with an easy assurance that belied his words.
I’m no expert.
Oh, yes. Yes, he was…

A WRECKED OF A BLOG TOUR mini interview
Q: Do you have a tattoo?

A: Yep…it’s a feather quill on the back of my right shoulder.  Quills…writers.  Made sense to me.

Q: How do you feel about friends to lovers romances?

A: I’m very partial to them…I married a guy I’d been mostly friends with all my life (I say mostly because I’d had a crush on him since I was 11.)

Q: Have you ever used the WRECK THIS JOURNAL thing?

A:I bought one…it inspired the idea behind WRECKED.

Q: Do you journal?  

A: I played with the WRECK journal, and still have it sitting on my shelf.  Did a few ideas inside it while I was writing the book, but I’m not much of a journaler.  I do most of my writing in my books and my blog.

Q: Are you more like Zach (just let life happen) or Abby (try to plan things out)?

A: Mostly Zach…I let life happen, but I do tend to try and control stuff.  I can’t plan worth crap, though and organization evades me.  That would drive Abby nuts.

My turn: 

Q: Do you have a tattoo?
A: Nope.  Have never felt the need for one, plus the thought of getting one scares me a bit. 
 Q: How do you feel about friends to lovers romances?
A: When done right, I love friends to lover stories, both in fiction and in real life.
Q: Have you ever used the WRECK THIS JOURNAL thing?
A: Nope. I have been considering getting one, but I haven’t.  The biggest reason is that I cannot find them in Sweden.
 Q: Do you journal? 
A: No.  Between this blog and my writing blog, I don’t feel the need to. 

Q: Are you more like Zach (just let life happen) or Abby (try to plan things out)?
A: I tend to just let life happen.  :). 

To enter the giveaway and win a lot of prizes, go here. ( I tried to use the widget, but Blogger didn’t like it.)

Type in stats #2:

This was supposed to go up earlier this week. Oops.

Number of words typed in/added:

2300 words.  It is going much slower this week, but part of the reason is that I am writing basically new scenes.  The information in the scenes was there in the handwritten pages, but I am changing how it happens.  Which also has the upside of making the MC more active.

Number of Oops discovered:

Zero. Which I am sure will change later on.

Number of times I dithered about something:


Favorite line:

” I stared at Annukki’s  gray face, forever caught in a surprised mask. Annukki, kindhearted, happy, Annukki was dead. I stumbled backwards, the only thing on my mind that I needed to get away.”

Embarrassment of Riches: February roundup

While I have been pretty good about reading the new books I have bought, I have been less good about reading books eligible for this challenge.  But then I am a fast reader. :).  I did read four books, or at least tried to read them.

The Werewolf Upstairs by Ashley Chase:

This is a paranormal romance that have been in my TBR pile for ages.  I have started to read it several times, but never finished it.  This time I did finish the book, but I will not get the rest of the series. For several reasons. Primarily because I didn’t care about the characters. 

No one lives twice by Julie Moffet:

This is a mystery that I bought last year.  It is supposed to be witty and funny, but to me it just feels bland. So I give up. It will remain DNF until I purge it from my calibre library. 

How to Not make a wish by Mindy Klasky:

Like the other two, this was a book that was supposed to be light and funny, but to me it just felt bland. DNF.  Again.

The Gift by Tiffany Reisz:

This was a short story that Harlequin offered in December last year. While I liked it, I didn’t like the choice the heroine made at the end, so I will not get the full length novels. 
But I am more or less on track, so Yay for that :). 

Utter randomness

Yesterday, I realised that my winter boots were hiking boots, and not the kind to be used during winter. Oops.   I think I’ll buy new ones since they are 5 years old, and I think the soles are getting too worn for winter use. Especially this time of the year.

Oh. And I got a B-12 shot. Which means I actually have energy to do things, like searching for a job. And read the ARCs that I received through Netgalley. ( Intrestingly enough, I feel more creative with low B-12 levels.  O_O. But being a little bit less creative is a small price to pay.)

And I am going to see another play tonight, which will be fun :).  And the big national book sale starts next week! I plan to use up my giftcard at Dito then.  Although so far I have mostly bought fantasy books that have been on my wishlist.

WWW Wednesday Feb 20

I forgot to participate in this last week. Oops. I blame low B-12 levels.  Anyway, this meme comes from shouldbereading, and to participate  all you have to do is to answer the following questions:

What are you currently reading? What did you recently finish reading? and What are you planning to read next?

The book I am currently reading is… actually several books:

Priestess of the Nile by Veronica Scott. This an Historical fantasy novella, or maybe a short story. I am halfway through, and enjoying it so far.

How Not to make a Wish by Mindy Klasky.  This is a paranormal romance. It is good, but I am thinking it isn’t for me. We will see if I finish it.

Books that I recently finished:

Cursed by Benedict Jacka.      This is the second book in the Alex Verus series, and I gobbled it up.   If I could I would pre-order the third book in the series ( I am reading the Swedish translation).

The Gift by Tiffany Reisz  This was an erotic  short story that Harlequin offered for free awhile ago. While I liked it, I don’t think I’ll read the full length triology, since I had a lot of trouble with the choice the heroine made at the end.

The Next book I plan to read:

Pride mates by Jennifer Ashley.  I have read a couple of the Shifter novellas that she selfpublished, and liked them so when I spotted this at an 60% discount (due to a damaged cover) at local bookstore, I decided to buy it.



I got a letter

So. This morning I got a letter from WWF.  Which wouldn’t have been anything ordinary, if it wasn’t for the case that I am at my dad’s right now.  And… I freaked out.   Why? Two reasons:

A) I am not registered at my Dad’s address, but at my apartment.

B) I haven’t talked with them in years, not to mention given them my dad’s address.

I decided to walk over to the IRS office, and check if my registered address had changed.  When I got there, the very nice lady told me that it was still the same.   I had lunch, and thawed up, at a local mall. I was relieved, and a bit baffled since I still couldn’t figure out how they had tied me to do dad’s place. And, then, when I was back from the bus stop  I realised how it had all happened.

See, at christmas  I got a very touching handwritten donation diploma  from my youngest brother stating that he had donated 200 SEK ( 30 dollar) to WWF.  When he filled in that, I suspect that he gave them my name- and his address.

At least that mystery is solved! 😀

Type in stats #1:

Number of words typed in:

3000 words.  Although a lot of the words on Sunday was brand new, due to a new subplot.

Number of Oops discovered:

1.  I realised that for the villain’s motivation to work the princess should be a prince. Minor fix, but major implications.

Number of times I dithered about something;  2.

Numbers of times I loved my charaters:

Too many to count.

Favorite lines:

All of them, but I think I like this.  It is non spoilery, too :).

” Rig. I swallowed a growl. Rig  was more fox than troll or Skogsrå. He had been canny and smarmy since the moment he opened his eyes in mother’s den.”

All in all this was a splendid  weekend :D.




Type in time

So, I reached the point were the new beginning meets the old middle yesterday. Which means that I am starting the type in today.    Before I reached that point, I called Mum and promised stay with her this weekend. Poor Mum, I’ll be so social this weekend. Not. LOL. 

Considering how the words are tumbling in my brain, I am tempted to go back and edit the first 4 000 words. But I will not do that.  The goal of this type in is to get simply type in the pages. That said, I’ll do some tweaks.  In fact, I think doing slight tweaks will increase my momentum.