Recommended TV: Your Inner Fish

I don’t watch much TV. I intend to, but well, I haven’t gotten around to getting Cable TV yet.  This weekend I was at mum’s and I happened to turn on Viasat History. And there was a fascinating Documentary called Your Inner Fish. It is about how Mammals and Humans have evolved during the millennias, and how the traces are still visible in our bodies.

I knew part of the information, since I have taken a course in Evoluntion Biology, but it was still fascinating.

So if you are an author and interested in developing your own species ( or tweaking an existing one), I recommend that you check out this series. It is bound to make your brain buzz with ideas. Or at least I got ideas!

Writing retreat!

Tomorrow I’m off for a weeklong writing retreat without no internet ( Ok, I’m off to our summer cottage w crappy reception, so I left my internet hotspot at home).  I’m really looking forward to it. I’ve wanted to solely focus on the writing ever since I began working.  I’m having realistic goals,though.   So my goal is to revise at least 1500 words per day, which should mean that I on Monday has revised at least 2 chapters ( I would prefer 3 chapters but sincee said chapters are long, that is unlikely.) It should mean, though, that I’ll be halfway through the draft.  Which would be really  nice. 🙂 Then I can go back to my plodding through the draft.  Until April 30th, when I’m doing another brief writing retreat.

Anyway, I hope you have a nice easter, with a lot of chocolate, books and writing :).

Writing update

This week… has been bad healthwise.  Here’s hoping that the next week is better.  Actually, it should be since I have the whole week off.  Aah.  The plan is to spend the whole week revising The Wild Hunt. The revisions is going fine, just very slow.  One reason they are going slow, is the fact that I wrote a whole new first chapter.  Mostly, though, it is because I’m doing it in Scrivener, and I’m revising it scene per scene.   I’m a bit surprised at how much I like it, since it means I’m taking my time with each scene.
I’m at Chapter 3 today, and I should finish it too.  Which means I’m on track for the goal for last weekend.  Oops.Between work and freaking out about the health issues, I’ve been too busy to get any writing done.Anyway, the goal for the next week is to revise 3 chapters, read books and eat a lot of candy.

Oh. I hired an editor for Daughter of the Dark too. Second time is the charm, right? 🙂

Here is a snippet from when Brid returns to her childhood home:

Her mother was dressed in a deep red woolen tunic trimmed with black embroideries, the traditional colors when in mourning. Her brown hair was streaked with grey hairs, and she had new wrinkles in her face. She looks old, Brid realised. Mother smiled at her.

“ Hello Brighid.”

Brid flinched when her mother used her full name. No one had called her that since Brid had been old enough to understand the dangers with calling the name of a goddess. She must have forgotten, that I’m called Brid.

“ Hello, Mother.”

“ I will show you to your room.”

Brid almost told her mother that it wasn’t necessary. She swallowed the words when she saw the fragile look in her mother‘s eyes. Brid nodded meekly and followed her inside.




Schedules and stuff

Ever since I got a call from Dad, asking if I was interested in a job, my life has been in a slight chaos.  To be fair, it isn’t the day job. It is just that the rest of my family don’t seem to realise that I’m working part time and  in my spare time, I’m taking the first steps on a career that will be more hectic than the day job.   The last two weeks? I’ve been home 4 nights  ( or was it 5?).   The main reason is that I’m too nice to say no.  Yeah. Need to get better at that.

The result is that while I have made some progress, I’m not making much progress on the revision, and the B4YHS assignments I tend to catch up with during the weekends.

I have made some decisions though.

I wrote a prequel short story to Daughter of the Dark in January, Exile.  Originally, it was planned to be a freebie but I’ve decided that I need a test run since I’m uncertain if  Publit/Overdrive distributes to Amazon ( I don’t think they do, but it would be so much easier if they did), so it will be able for sale sometime this summer.

This means, Daughter of the Dark will be out after Exile.  Not the way I had originally planned it, but things like that happens sometime.   Doing it this way means that I’ll be able to release both books in the duology close together.

Meanwhile, I’m busy revising The Wild Hunt so that you will have more to read later. I have so many plans!  One of the plans is to start posting snippets regularly.  These snippets would either be from whatever I’m working on.   Yes, this means I’ll be posting snippets from things that might be years away from being published.

So here is a snippet from the Wild Hunt ( This scene was rewritten from scratch so it is a bit rough):

Brid stepped out from the forest, grateful for the fact that the paths hadn’t made her utterly lost. All thoughts of the enchanted paths of the forest vanished when she saw the gleaming carriage in the middle of her grassy yard. It was sleek, with large wheels better suited to the paved streets of Myrddin than the rutted dirt road leading to her small hut on the outskirts of Tanglewood. Hide, her subconsious whispered. Brid took shaky breath. It was tempting, but she was the drysa of Tanglewood. She couldn’t hide every time a patient showed up.






Snippet from the Wild Hunt

I’m working on setting up  The Wild Hunt in Scrivener to begin revising it . Sadly, the opening scene will need to be extensively rewritten, since it isn’t the opening scene anymore.  Anyway, here is a snippet that I like.


The wooden floor was cold and hard against her back. Pain and sorrow whirled inside her, there were moments when she could swear that the walls themselves fed her pain. The sound of footsteps penetrated through the fog in her mind, and Brid whimpered softly. Brid curled up in a ball, in an attempt to avoid the pain her father’s sorrow caused her.

“ I’ll let you go.”

The words penetrated the fog surrounding her brain. Slowly, Brid lifted her head, and looked at her father. Did he say what I thought he said? Brid looked up into his eyes,the pain in his eyes cut through the rest of the fog. Brid swallowed a whimper.

“It pains me to see you like this. I’ll have someone escort you to Tanglewood, and help you construct the buildings you need to survive.”

A lot of Juggling

I think I have a bit better grip on  working part-time and writing now.   Which is a relief, since I signed up for Before You hit Send, which starts tomorrow. I’m so looking forward to it, I’ve wanted to take it for a long time but I lacked the money.   I’ve decided to work on Queen of Sind, since it needs a lot of revision.

I also started working on the Archangels hunt. So far I have 5000 words. Woot!  I really like what I got so far. And I also found the perfect cover for it, and for the spin-off novella I want to write.  I would buy both of them on the spot, except the novella isn’t titled. And since it is pre-made, I need to have title for it. sigh.

As for the self publishing, I created an account with Publit, which is a swedish distributor. Sadly, they don’t distribute to Kindle, so I’ll need to get an EIN from the IRS. BUT they do distribute to Kobo, Overdrive (!), Ibooks plus the major swedish stores and swedish libraries  so I’m happy.  Since there are rumors about Amazon opening a Swedish/Scandinavian store soon, it is possible that they will start distributing to Kindle too. Except I should probably get it up before since I think you need to be Kindle select to get 70% in new markets. Urgh. Sometimes Amazon is confusing.

The next more writing related step, is to find a better editor  for Daughter of the Dark. The first one was…not good. ( I might have mentioned it before. )  I do know which editor I’m contacting, though. *fingers crossed* ( Kari did tell me she loved Daughter of the Dark on twitter. I still haven’t gotten used to that, although Laura Anne firmly told me to :))

I’m also looking to hire a cover designer, or buying a pre-made cover.   ( I’ll probably hire one, since the pre-made covers I have seen don’t *quite* fit what I’m looking for.)

I’ve also been thinking about marketing Daughter of the Dark.  What I think I’ll do is to have a multi pronged approach of offering a free serialized short story (Exiled)  the month before release, and sign up for a blog tour.  I’m thinking Bewitching Book tours. ( They have a 45 dollar package for one week tour, which I’m ready to pay to get the word out.)

Searching for a new normal

I began a new job three weeks ago, and I’m struggling to find a balance. Before I begun this job, I had been unemployed for a long time. And while it was hard on the economy, it was glorious from a writing perspective. I could spend my days writing.

Except now I suddenly can’t.  On the other hand, I set my own schedule. Which I really appreciate. The downside is that I’m not sure how long I’ll be able to work 4-5 days. I know that once the backlog is finished, I’ll be down to 2-3 days/ week. Maybe I should go down to 3 days to make it last longer? On the other hand, I suspect there is more backlog that they are planning on handing over to me. We will see. But I should be working 30 hours per week in April too. I could work more, but it is a balance between money and mental health. More than 30 hours, and the work starts to make me gloomy.  And it isn’t worth that.

But I’ll adjust to it, since I’ll do this for at least one year.  Meanwhile, I’ll just keep on inching forward on the writing, until I had found a balance.






The duology that challenges me

I  love all my stories, but there are some I’m especially fond of.  The Demonlord’s Escape, the first book in the Heaven and Hell duology, is one of them. Maybe it is because the plot was slippery, and that I had to make two tries before getting it right.  Maybe it is because of all themes I have in the first book. Maybe it is the fact that I love my version of Hell.  The draft is good, but needs another round of revisions, at least.

But the sequel,  tentiatively titled The Archangel’s Hunt,  have scared me for years. Why?  Because it begins in Heaven and I had no clue of what it was about. Or that is not entirely correct. I knew it featured Cat, Kate’s cousin. ( Yes, their names are similar. And no, I’m not changing them.).   The rest of the story slowly, very slowly matured in my head.

A couple of times I took a look at it, but it felt too unclear, too many pieces missing.   When I poked at it last year, I even began writing an outline.  But I  left it unfinished.

So now I’m  starting the synopsis from scratch. And I’m in love with the things that I get. Seriously.  I’m dropping in things that I *know* will be clues to the end. More, I know exactly what the villain wants. Which to be fair, I’ve known ever since I wrote book one, but I know other things too. Things that sets up book 3.  Hopefully book 3 will be written sooner than this book. This book is what I need after all the revising and editing.  But don’t worry, I’ll  get back to revising once I’m finished w the first draft. Which should be in early May or late April. ( Yes, roughly two months from now. A) I currently work 4 days a week, which might change in April.  B) This is longer than the Portal Universe novellas.)

Oh, and I’m also much better at writing synopsis now. Seriously. 🙂

What I’ve gotten done so far

On a whim I decided to list the things I’ve done so far this year:

Revised A Shadow of Love

Edited Daughter of the Dark ( twice)

Written Cauldron Bound

Written Exile

Begun writing The Alchemist’s Apprentice.

Outlined Warder

Outlined Cauldron Bound

Outlined Exile

Normally, this is what I get done in a year, maybe nine months. The decision to self publish ( or at least do *something* with my drafts) have definitely made me write faster. I also think the fact I’m bringing my tablet when I go to Dad’s and Mum’s help. Sure, I don’t write or revise as many pages with the laptop, but I’m still making progress.

I’m not complaining. It does  explain why I feel a bit tired…




Teaser: Daughter of the Dark

This is another teaser from a deleted scene that didn’t quite fit the story. It is non-spoilery so I felt it was a good teaser.   And  if you have missed my previous teasers, I’ve posted a link to them on my brand new extras page.

The haggling stopped when I walked past. They glanced at me, a mix of curiosity and fear in their eyes. I felt uneasy. How can the Daughters stand it, living excluded, never really part of the society? In that moment, I was glad I didn’t live in Dhurig. The Mark would cause curious looks in Kanida, but no one would look at me with fear.