This was a freebie from Kensington that I downloaded last year. I’ll admit that I thought it was a short story. And maybe if it had been, it would have worked better for me. As it was, I couldn’t feel a thing for the characters. I didn’t care about them, and I definitely didn’t feel a spark between Jillian and Conrad.
I was… disappointed with this book. Not that it was bad, no Shannon Stacey book is. But at times it felt forced to me. Maybe it was because it lacked the camadrie and humor that her previous books had. I have no idea. I just know it didn’t work for me.
I picked up this because it is written by the duo behind Moira Rogers, which, I suppose, are the reason I kept expecting werewolves for the first 20 pages. And yes, I knew it didn’t have anything paranormal. I enjoyed the book. It was sizzling, and the dynamics in the gang felt believable. I look forward to the next book in the series.