Right now I am working on the first book in an historical fantasy series ( and before you ask: It has a title that I love, and a cover, but I am going to sit on them for awhile). The book takes place in Sweden, around the time they stopped executing witches. It filled with witches, and werewolves and vampires I am having a lot of fun, dumping the story on the page, without much revising and back tracking. Though I have had to back-track a couple of times, since I took a couple of wrong turns. At least I figured it out. I also tried to edit as I go at the beginning of the draft, but I figured out fast that it didn’t work.
This is why my rough drafts are a mess, but that is ok. I’ll fix it in the rewrite, which will happen sometime in 2019, cause I have other books I need to revise. Hopefully I’ll figure out a way to revise faster.
I am not sure what I’ll work on once I am done with this book. Either I tackle revising Shifters’ Justice or typing in Frosthold. Both have their possibilities. Though it is possible that I will try typing in Frosthold and writing something new at the same time. The worst thing that will happen is that I figure out it wont work…. Though maybe first I should see if I can find the notebooks containing the handwritten draft.
Anyway. I think I have rambled enough.